Saturday, 27 April 2013

Movember at the Malt: 30th November 2012

A live 'shave off' took place at the Malt Shovel in Ashton on Trent  on Saturday Night. 

The event was the culmination of a month's fundraising event for the 'Movember' Charity, which raises funds and awareness of testicular and prostrate cancer.
The fundraising event was first launched in Australia in 2003, now over 1.1 million people take part in the event worldwide.

 The live shave-off was performed by Hashim from Star Cutz , a unisex hair salon based in Derby.

The Derby A Capella Chorus, a barbershop style group accompanied the event adding to the atmosphere of the night.

The Winner of the 'Best Moustache Competition' was crowned by the Landlady of the Pub, Jo Danby.

I was asked if I could attend the event the day before it occurred, (see email), to attend the event at 7.30pm for a public shave off and best moustache compettion.
As it was a weekend, I decided to take my daughter for a little moral support and to watch my camera gear as the event was taking place in the pub.
Arrived 30 minutes early to check out the venue, location of the shoot and the lighting. I also wanted to speak to the organiser to see if there was anything specific needed and to get some background to the event and names of key people.
I took several images of the shave off itself and the key people of the night (see contact sheet). I also took notes so that I could write some editorial to accompany the images.
I spent around 3 hours at the event as I needed to take some of the winner of the best moustache competition.
This was a really fun night, all concerned were really helpful and I managed the lighting and composition of the images well considering how packed the venue was with people, there was not much room to manouver to get great angles for the images.
Equipment Used:
Canon 50d and 430EXII Flash  hand held. 
In most shots I was able to bounce the flash off the ceiling, which created less shadowing behind the subject.
I really enjoyed this assignment, I had been given my official Village Voice photographers badge which gave me the confidence to direct people to get the shots I wanted. I also felt able to introduce myself more easily in this official role and explain my intentions for the shots I wanted to take.
debraburgess-lim   LRPS

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