Thursday, 25 April 2013

Research & Work Based Learning..

As part of my third year Foundation Degree in Applied Photography, I have to undertake one large project or a collection of several small client based projects.

As I have been approached to take photographs for the local paper on a freelance basis, I felt this tied in with the assignment really well so I have started this blog post to record my journey as a freelance photojournalist for the local village paper.
With each assignment that the Melbourne Village Voice gives me, I will evaluate the assignment and reflect on my strengths and weaknesses, managing my own learning along the way.

I had a brief introduction to photojournalism when completing year 1 of my Fda with Anglia Ruskin University, undertaking an interview with Canon Chris Avery and photographing him in his place of work. The interview and images were published in the King's Lynn Magazine.  I enjoyed  using a dictaphone during the interview to record the process, I was a little unsure and lacking in confidence to begin with but was really pleased with the resulting article and would have persued this had I remained in King's Lynn
I feel that this is an area that I would like to explore further and were I starting out in my career, photojournalism is one that I would have seriously considered, however, at this point in my career I don't feel that I could become a war/overseas news  photographer which is the avenue I would have wanted to persue.

People that have inspired me in this genre of photography are;
Lee Miller:
 It seems to me that women have a bigger chance at success in photography than men… Women are quicker and more adaptable than men. And I think they have an intuition that helps them understand personalities more quickly than men. 

Lee Miller was an American photographer who started out her career as a fashion model in the 1920's, she then went to Paris and became a fashion and fine art photographer up until the second world war. During this period she became a war correspondant for Vogue Magazine and covered the London Blitz and the Liberation of Paris. She also recorded events at the concentration camps of Buchenwald and Dachau.

I have been to several exhibitions of her work in London and also went to a lecture about her life given by Anthony Penrose, her son and Ami Bouhassane her grand daughter.
Antony Penrose talks & tours
I find her work extremely emotive and very inspirational - her bravery and photographic skills are iconic.

 I took some pictures of the place [Hitler’s residence]
 and I also got a good night’s sleep in Hitler’s bed.
 I even washed the dirt of Dachau in his tub. 

World War II Images.

                                                  World War II Images.  Lee Miller

debraburgess-lim, LRPS

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